Self Assessment Results

See below for your results, highlighted in green.

What do your results mean?
Score Category Explanation
0 Non-problem gambler Non-problem gamblers gamble with no negative consequences.


1–2 Low-risk gambler Low-risk gamblers experience a low level of problems with few or no identified negative consequences. For example, they may very occasionally spend over their limit or feel guilty about their gambling.


3–7 Moderate-risk gambler Moderate-risk gamblers experience a moderate level of problems leading to some negative consequences. For example, they may sometimes spend more than they can afford, lose track of time or feel guilty about their gambling.


8 or above Problem gambler Problem gamblers gamble with negative consequences and a possible loss of control. For example, they may often spend over their limit, gamble to win back money and feel stressed about their gambling.

Note: The PGSI categorisations are NOT the same as a clinical diagnosis (PGSI)


What Now?

Relationships Australia South Australia Gambling Help Services provides FREE face-to-face counselling support and financial counselling support to people who are concerned about their gambling behaviour and others (mothers, fathers, partners etc.) who may be affected by someone’s gambling.

Relationships Australia South Australia Gambling Help Services offer services in the; Northern, Western, Central and Southern Adelaide as well as the Barossa, the Adelaide Hills and Murraylands, the Riverland, the Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island.

Relationships Australia South Australia Gambling Help Services has NO LIMIT on the number of sessions we provide, and all the gambling help services are completely FREE (funded by the Gamblers Rehabilitation Fund).

If you would like more information about Relationships Australia South Australia Gambling Help counselling service or would like to make an appointment please Contact Us.

Recognise the Signs
Recognise the signs that gambling might be causing problems in your life or put you of risk of developing difficulties.

Gambling Calculator
Ever wondered how much you really spend on gambling? Or how you compare to other Australians? Our Gambling Calculator can give you a better picture of how gambling affects your life.

How Much Are You Spending?
Research shows that gamblers tend to remember their wins more than their losses. The reality is that nearly every gambler will lose money over a long period of time. Use our tool to help work out how much gambling is costing you on average over a year.

Click HERE to make an appointment or call us now on 08 8216 5246 (9am – 5pm Mon to Fri and out-of-hours please leave a message), or send us an email to